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Departure from the front of Cerea: we recommend staying about 10 meters from the shore, which remains a good reference to maintain a straight trajectory.

You will reach the Isabella bridge. It is allowed to pass through the first two arches on the hill side, but it is better to pass through the second one, which allows for a better trajectory.

Once out of the bridge, we head directly towards the shore on our right, 300 meters ahead, where by keeping 7 meters from the right shore, we will pass through the first arch, the only one allowed on the way up.

In the next section of about 700 meters, we stay about 10 meters from the shore, which is slightly more irregular than the first part, but still useful as a reference to avoid being in the middle of the river.

In the curve, called “sawmill curve,” it is advisable not to widen out to avoid hitting the buoys that mark the course. In the next 400 meters leading to the Sisport Fiat curve, it is recommended to stay about one boat width from the shore to have space from branches and small obstacles, which are still less dangerous than the mid-river buoys.

As we approach the Fiat curve, we start to prepare for it because it is an important curve and risks pushing us the wrong way if not anticipated properly. From here, we draw a nice straight line to the first arch of the footbridge, the only one passable on the way up.

From the footbridge, again a straight line to the Sangone without getting too close to the shore, which forms a small inlet. Maximum attention at the Sangone: it is a narrow curve where it is advisable to stay 3-4 meters from the shore.

From the Sangone to the island, the ascent is quite simple if we stay one boat width from the shore (7 meters). Near the turnaround point, we slightly move away from the shore towards the buoy that will lead us to the mid-race buoy.

On the way back, it is advisable to maintain 10 meters between your boat and the shore almost to the Sangone, where again we need to be careful not to stay in the middle of the river, which is dangerous for possible collisions.

A nice straight line from the Sangone to the first arch of the footbridge (city side) allows for a better trajectory than the central arch, although the latter is also passable downhill.

In the Fiat curve going down, we will try to pass very close to the mid-river buoys, then draw a tight line on the sawmill curve, where we aim for a very close trajectory to the right shore.

From the sawmill curve to the Molinette, our reference will become the line of buoys, which we will try to keep about 3 meters from our left blade. Passing under the Molinette bridge should be done under the central arch, although the course allows using the right arch as well.

From the Molinette to the Isabella bridge, we maintain a straight line as much as possible towards the rightmost arch, which is better than the second, which is still usable.

After the Isabella bridge, you enter the final 800 meters of straight line: be careful to use the shore as a reference, staying always at a maximum of two boats from it (15 meters) to avoid covering more distance with unnecessary curves.

After that, you have arrived!